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Baby-friendly Banana & Date Muffin

We always have bananas at home. ALWAYS. It's the perfect snack during the day especially before and post workout. Also, bananas with almond/peanut butter on top?? YUMMY. When we have too many ripe bananas though, i like to cut them up and freeze them for a smoothie later in the week.

Earlier this week i had one measly overripe banana and lots of dates leftover so i decided to whip up a banana-date muffin. A quick google search gave me recipes where i didn't have all the ingredients on hand at home, so i came up with something on my own. And guess what, it turned out awesome!

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 10 dates, pitted
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tbs plain flour
  • pinch of baking soda
  • pinch of cinnamon

I just hand mixed all the wet ingredients with a fork in a bowl. Then i added the dry ingredients and kind of eyeballed the flour until i got the consistency i wanted. I used regular muffin tins with cupcake liners, or you can grease the muffin pan with butter or oil spray.

This made 7 muffins using the regular muffin tin, it would probably make 12-15 mini muffins.

There was no refined sugar added, so this was also good for Lennox. It was pretty sweet because of the banana & dates and he loved it!

Lennox having the muffin for breakfast the day after

Let me know if you try the recipe! :)


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